Studio Ett, Sveriges Radios väldigt trevliga och lärorika eftermiddagsprogram, tog i dag upp "Mattiasgate", Katrineholms kommuns bloggande kommunchef Mattias Janssons träta med Katrineholms-Kuriren.
Jag hade inte tillfälle att lyssna till inslaget i direktsändning, utan har lyssnat till det i efterhand.
Det är inte världens bästa radio. Mattias Jansson sitter i studion och har ett väldigt försprång jämfört med Krister Wistbackas lite raspiga telefonröst.
Om lyssnarna blir klokare på vad historien egentligen handlar om, låter jag vara osagt.
Någon sorts publicitet ger det förstås Katrineholm. Hur var det Bert Karlsson sa? "All publicitet är bra publicitet..."
Jag började som städhjälp
1 år sedan
Welcome To Katrineholm....
SvaraRaderaIt wasn't the Lincoln-Douglas fer (sic) sure, fer (sic) sure. Neither was it the Kennedy-Nixon debate. Nope. Nej. Zip. In one corner, we had disingenuous MJ, the twatish @buffoonchef of K-hole. In the other corner, we had Dr. Cornelius' long lost twin bro', a.k.a. Father Time. So, kiddies, what happened on SR's P1? Answer: not much. Two beards bitchin'. One beard, MJ, playied "What? Me?" when asked to explain his hanging out of a reporter's series of questions for all his snickering sycophants (consultants) to see online. The other, Dr. Cornelius' long lost twin bro', played the role of victim to the hilt-something MJ has tried when nothing else worked-whining away about how his newspaper got-say the word, beeatches (sic)-pwned* by MJ.
So, kiddies-you too Peroni, ya little cunt-what did we learn from the meaningless exchange 'tween MJ-I pray he gets testicular cancer for a week to make him WAKE THE FUCK UP!-and Doc Cornelius' twin bro'? Well, we learned that MJ is unnecessary for Katrineholm. When a problem-a real problem and not a social media problem requiring money wasted on a locust/consultant-arises in Katrineholms kommun, hell, we can just crowd source and get an answer to whatever arises. Who needs MJ? We also learned that the newspaper-I've said it elsewhere a loooooooooooooooooooong time ago on some other blog; one of several now defunct 'cause I like it like dat (sic)-that the newspaper is just another fuckin' blog with, of course, tree killin' priviledges to print their little rag and stick it in your pulsating mailbox....ooooooooooo, YIPPEE! (My phrase which little MJ picked up from a video I put online. He, like Peroni, does whatever Daddy-myself-tells him to do 'cause I put the thoughts in their little minds and make them say to themselves, "Daddy, can I do that too? Please?").
So, in the end-Peroni, ya (sic) listening? I know you like it in the end. Get the soothing mint flavored jelly to save your cornhole-Katrineholm gained nothing. No, not even useful recognition from a radio broadcast on P1. We are now not only known as the more boring town in Sweden AND we are not only known as the town of the too much personal info on government time tweeting @buffoonchef town; no, we are known as the town of two bearded beeatches (sic) banging away at each other for all of Sweden to hear and find silly as hell.
Welcome to Katrineholm! You've been ppppppppwned!
* Something I did-MJ, you shadowing me, boy on everything? I'm flattered.-to a certain Moderaterna which got me an admonishing e-mail but, hey, too bad....'cause I like it like dat (sic).